Monagallery commits to respect the privacy of your personal data.


Customer’s personal information

At Monagallery we protect your credit card information and privacy by using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology (the industry standard security protocol), hosting our site on secure servers, and maintaining Secure Site status from VERISIGN, a security industry leader.

When you provide us with any personal information, such as your credit card number when making a purchase, we use SSL data encryption to ensure that no one can read it as it is transmitted over the Internet. Your information is safely stored behind a firewall that protects it from users from other networks. Our credit card merchant system does not store your entire credit card number for further security measures.

To process your order, notify you of matters that may be of interest and improve your Monagallery shopping experience, we collect information, such as e-mail addresses, domain names, the number of visits each page receives, and other information you may volunteer. Any personal information that you submit to the site will remain as safe and secure as your credit card information. It has always been the policy of Monagallery not to share or sell our customers' personal information with any third parties except where we are legally required to do so.


Monagallery Privacy policy

We will closely guard any personally identifiable information you disclose to us during registration or at any other point during your online experience here at Information will only be shared with a third party if a member requests for that information to be shared such as La Poste (Our Shipping Partner) for purposes of verifying your mailing address. All transaction information including credit card numbers and other varying methods of payment is strictly confidential and remains secure.


Information collection and use

Monagallery is the sole owner of the information collected on this site. We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others in ways different from what is disclosed in this statement.

Monagallery collects information from our users at several different points on our website. Monagallery may share aggregated and anonymous demographic and statistical information with its business partners, but no such information can be linked directly to you or your account. Furthermore, we may need to disclose personally identifiable information when required by law.


Links to other sites could contain links to other sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such sites.